Topic BIG THANKS TO THIS BOARD from the General Chit-Chat forum.
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bliss Registered User
Registered: 4/5/2003 | posted: 5/2/2003 at 3:28:29 PM ET Okay, all of you, this here is Mazeppa, and I have been reading ATC and MB at, throught out rehearsals, and have tried so hard to keep my "fingers" shut. I just want to say to all of you on this board, that your faith was very important, especially with what has been written on those other boards...I saw Reidel the night before opening and told him that himself and the other "naysayers" are gonna eat their f***kin' words, because we all knew how great Bernadette was gonna be in this role. Once again thanks...
| MsPetersFan1 Registered User
Registered: 6/25/2002
From: Long Island, New York & Boston, | posted: 5/2/2003 at 3:32:01 PM ET Wow Ms. Buddeke..all I can say was that I LOVED you in Gypsy. I saw it March 31st and you were amazing. So hilarious! I'm so happy that everything went well last night. Good luck in all the future shows! Congratulations to everyone!
To add: Thank you for telling off Riedel and the others. They deserved it.
~* Megan *~
| moljul Registered User
Registered: 4/2/2001
From: New York
Fav. BP CD: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight Fav. BP Song: Dublin Lady
| posted: 5/2/2003 at 3:36:14 PM ET Kate, Congratulations to you all on a wonderful show. I have now seen it 6 times and while I enjoyed seeing the work in progress at the beginning, the performances I have seen in the last two weeks have just been rock solid. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to see how you all have brought it together. Bravo! Now that you have opened, hopefully you can relax a bit and enjoy your successes.
| Linnie4Bernadette Registered User
Registered: 12/8/2002 | posted: 5/2/2003 at 4:36:57 PM ET Ms. Buddeke,
CONGRATULATIONS to you and the entire cast of Gypsy!!! I never once doubted that Bernadette would be sensational in this role. Cheers to you for telling Reidel like it is, he'll be eating as well as choking on his words for a long time....serves him right!
| Jenny_loves_ bernadette Registered User
Registered: 6/6/2002
From: London | posted: 5/2/2003 at 4:49:41 PM ET Everyone who has seen the show on this board has nothing but praise for "gotta get a gimmick"!
I live in London so I can't see the show but I wish you a long and successful run on Broadway. Oh and please give a goodluck kiss on the cheek to Bernadette from me.
they say bernadette's wonderful..........and she is
xx Jenny xx
| angelgrl9 Registered User
Registered: 2/16/2003 | posted: 5/2/2003 at 5:14:10 PM ET Ms. Buddeke,
Words can't describe the show that you and the others have created. Thank you so much for sharing this show (your "baby") with us fans. It was the best night I've spent in a theatre watching a show in my life. Much love and good luck in a long run to come!
| mikee Registered User
Registered: 12/4/2002 | posted: 5/2/2003 at 6:19:43 PM ET Congrats! The show was awesome and I appreciate that you took the time to post here! Bernadette, you, and GYPSY as a total are amazing!
| Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 24.194.15.x | posted: 5/2/2003 at 8:32:29 PM ET I saw the show last Saturday and loved it! I thought the three strippers did the most realistic and comically tragic version I'd ever seen (and I've seen my share). I've been checking this site all thru the previews to see how things were coming along and I'm pleased to see that Ms. Buddeke has been too. Ms. Peters is the most realistically-cast Mama Rose yet. Lots of sex appeal, you can understand why Herbie follows her like a puppy. Give the entire cast and crew a big shout out from the ladies from Upstate that collected autographs last weekend.
| Krasm Registered User
Registered: 3/29/2003
From: Brooklyn | posted: 5/3/2003 at 2:26:55 PM ET Mazeppa,
CONGRATULATIONS. Gold Bless everyone in the show for giving so much to the world every night.
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