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Topic: I need some opinions please...

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AuthorTopic:   I need some opinions please...
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posted: 7/2/2003 at 4:19:02 PM ET
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Okay, so on e-bay I bought a signed pic of Bernadette I did the same thing last year and I asked Patty if she'd ask Bernadette if she'd inscribe my name, and she did, Okay, so I'm a little nuts and decided I wanted another signed photo with my name because it's prob a new pic, but anyways I mailed the check to Patty at the Shubert theatre, which is where Gypsy I also mailed a little note thanking Bernadette and a pic, remember in summer 2001 when Bernadette was co-hosting live w/regis, she wore the lavender sweater over a plaid dress..well Kevin has pics of it up, well I sent in my pic as her look-a-like for their contest lol and I don't really look like her, I just have red curly hair like hers, and they basically showed it for fun, but it was probably the most thrilling moment of my life so far and it meant a lot because she thanked me on tv and said I was adorable...but are my you guys think that was dorky to send her that,also do you think Patty will actually give her my little note, since they are at the same theatre etc...? Thanks Guys

I'm just a Broadway Baby learnin how to sing and dance....**Hollie**

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posted: 7/2/2003 at 4:35:48 PM ET
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No!! That wasn't dorky at all, it's actually really cute LOL!

Post the picture here! I'd like to see what an "adorable" girl looks like hehe.

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posted: 7/2/2003 at 5:38:29 PM ET
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don't wasn't dorky...and i bet Patty will give her the note. i remember seeing that episode (i think i have it on tape) and i remember her look-a-like, so congrads on the "adorable" comment from Bernadette.

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posted: 7/2/2003 at 5:49:24 PM ET
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Thanks guys! Oh, and I'll try to put my the pic on my avatar ..!

I'm just a Broadway Baby learnin how to sing and dance....**Hollie**

BP Broadway Diva
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Fav. BP Song: Rose's Turn
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Rose
Fav. BP CD: Sondheim Etc

posted: 7/2/2003 at 6:43:19 PM ET
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That is really exciting that you had your picture on Regis and Bernadette commented on it! I probably would have died! I'd love to see that pic!


"Here she is Boys...Here she is World...Here's Rose!!!"

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New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few
Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 7/3/2003 at 11:07:05 AM ET
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LOL I'm gonna have to dig out that tape and watch it again. I remember them showing the look-a-like pictures and Bernadette was reluctant to comment. Then they showed a pic of her and she said, "Well that one kind of looks like me." and Regis said, "That is you!" HAHAHAHAHA


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posted: 7/3/2003 at 1:38:07 PM ET
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Yeah, at first she looked scared and then she commented..and she was really nice about it..the next day a another girl sent in her pic and regis asked her who she thought it she thought she looked like and she said Glen close, and she didn't comment about her like she did me....but I was lucky she was soooo nice about mine!

I'm just a Broadway Baby learnin how to sing and dance....**Hollie**

Registered User

posted: 7/3/2003 at 1:40:44 PM ET
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My avatar still isn't approved!

I'm just a Broadway Baby learnin how to sing and dance....**Hollie**

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