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Topic: "It Runs In the Family"

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AuthorTopic:   "It Runs In the Family"
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posted: 4/27/2003 at 10:23:26 PM ET
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I saw the movie today. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. You find yourself going through every emotion while watching it. LOL!! First you're laughing, then you're upset, then you're mad, then you're laughing again :-) I thought Bernadette and the entire cast were really good!! Kirk Douglas is so funny!! I'm glad I saw it. It makes you think of what's really important in life.


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New York

Fav. BP CD: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
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posted: 4/27/2003 at 10:26:37 PM ET
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Did anyone else notice that when Bernadette got really angry in the "confrontation scene" (trying not to give anything away) at the country home that her Queens accent got kind of thick? LOL

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posted: 4/28/2003 at 7:26:12 AM ET
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I noticed that too!! I was like "she must be REALLY mad for that accent to come out :-) She's awesome!!


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New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
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Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 4/28/2003 at 9:30:54 AM ET
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Her accent came out in a few scenes. LOL I loved it! She was great in the scene where she finally confronted her husband about the situation.

That scene, where her younger son asked her "the question" lol I wasn't that amused by it. They cut to the next scene too quickly. It would have been funnier if they showed Bernadette getting tounge-tied trying to answer, and having her son throw more and more questions at her until she walked out of the room or something.

She really was in the movie a lot more than expected, and I thought Rory Culkin was in it a lot less than expected.

I love how both boys took their Grandfather's advice in the film; and I loved the way it ended. I wonder if they ever went to Florence? lol


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New York

Fav. BP CD: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
Fav. BP Song: Dublin Lady

posted: 4/28/2003 at 10:52:28 AM ET
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Overall I thought the editing of the movie was horrible so yes, I agree the scene with the son ended too soon. Though I'm not sure I would have wanted him to ask more questions. That didn't seem like him. He wouldn't get that talkative. But her getting a little more tongue tied would have been nice. Though the look on her face was priceless. The Seder dinner scene was horrible in regards to editing. Much too abrupt changes.

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posted: 4/28/2003 at 6:46:02 PM ET
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I posted a few nights ago about the movie but I decided to edit it...but anyways...I thought the movie was great! All of the acting was superb!

They changed/added a few things...mostly for the better!

They originally didn't have Bernadette making her "discovery" until the end of the movie or even that whole thing with Michael and Suzie happening until the end of the movie. It sort of made no sense the way Bernadette made her "discovery" though. Who keeps a pen in their coat pocket and why was that the first place she looked? Before they had her helping Eli find a tie so she went into Alex's closet to look and found....the item there. I liked it the new way a lot better though(making her discovery earlier on in the movie) added a lot more depth to Bernadette's character and allowed her to really shine as an actress rather than just having her have that one moment of "your busted". The scene at Evy's! Just the look she gave Alex....or in this case,didn't give him... when he sat back down next to her and was looking for some support...great scene!

They seemed to have added a lot more scenes with Stephen...who I thought was hilarious!!!

They cut a scene and even shortened Sarah's (Audra's) scene...I wish they kept it in though because I think people forgot Bernadette was a psychologist...helping others with their problems, when ironically she could hardly deal with her own family's problems at the time. So I think some of her character was sort of lost there.

I actually like the ending they have now a lot better then the old one. I don't know I guess I just really liked how they showed everyone sort of reconciling with eachother ( 2 at a time).

I know some of you have been asking me about some other changes they made...if you still really want to know then just email me. I just didn't think it would be appropriate to post it all on the board. Especially because some of those scenes were ummmm...very "rated R"!

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posted: 4/28/2003 at 7:04:54 PM ET
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It Runs in the Family was No. 9 at the box office this weekend

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New York

Fav. BP CD: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
Fav. BP Song: Dublin Lady

posted: 4/28/2003 at 11:42:43 PM ET
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And I don't think it opened a complete wide release. It should be opening at a few more theaters next week. I don't think this is the type of movie to be a really big blockbuster but I hope it does well.

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posted: 4/28/2003 at 11:47:34 PM ET
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The movie opened in whats known as a moderatley wide release--meaning it only opened in 1,100 theatres. I posted that in another thread somewhere LOL

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New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
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Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 4/29/2003 at 9:44:50 AM ET
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"Who keeps a pen in their coat pocket and why was that the first place she looked?"

I do (keep a pen in my coat pocket)! LOL A better question would be, who keeps underwear in their pocket!? If he "supposedly" wasn't fooling around with this woman, then why keep her underwear in your pocket. He couldn't possibly not know they were there!

LOL I just loved when Rebecca started flipping out, and saying, "Look at me! I'm carrying another woman's panties around!"...quote is probably off a little.
I also loved the look she cut her husband in the kitchen. And at the end, with the things she told her husband to do the next morning. I like that they didn't just have her character deal with it herself and not continue to confront her husband. It was more realistic the way it was.

I agree that Audra's scene should have been more involved. I did forget at some points that Rebecca was a fact, I only remembered when she answered her phone and said, "Yes, this is Dr. Gromberg."

One small factor that I thought was funny, and an important key, was the cell phone. It sort of symbolized the barriers in their family. Everytime either Rebecca or Alex tried to say something important, one of their cell phones rang (usually his), and presented another problem (death, work, jail).

And I was actualy surprised by what the police found! I know I shouldn't have been, but I was. LOL


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posted: 4/29/2003 at 1:30:41 PM ET
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i was surprised at what the police found too. i knew it would have to be something like that, but not that many! lol. i'm going again to see it tomorrow and i can't wait!

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posted: 4/29/2003 at 1:32:02 PM ET
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bwaybaby, i would love to know what else was changed, but i can't email you, so if you could help me out with that, thanks!

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posted: 4/29/2003 at 2:07:15 PM ET
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Originally, towards the beginning of the movie they let the audience know about what was in the closet and Mustafa was in it a lot more too. I like it a lot better the new way definitely leaves an element of surprise and leads you to believe Asher is so innocent until that point.


If you'd like you can leave you email on here....although I can see why you wouldn't want to do that. It'd be great if this board had some sort of private message feauture for the registered users...

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New York

Fav. BP CD: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
Fav. BP Song: Dublin Lady

posted: 4/29/2003 at 2:21:54 PM ET
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And Bernadette's final line of the movie. "Good, Niiiiigggghhtt!" lying on her back in bed staring up at the ceiling. Great delivery. I don't know, I just found it funny.

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posted: 4/29/2003 at 9:04:27 PM ET
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Man, I haven't left a post in forever, but anyways I saw the movie the day it opened twice, I had to celebrate so I skipped two of my classes at school at saw the very first show w/my cousin, then that night I caught the 10:00 p.m show, I just loved it, I loved all of the feelings and emotions you feel through it, and Bernadette was just incredible, but, ya wanna know what bugged me a lot, it's kinda funny though, why on earth would you go have an affair with that Suzy chic, who in my opinion, is quite unattractive and annoying, when you have a Bernadette/Rebecca at home? This drove me nuts! But, I loved how Bernadette stood up for herself, she showed that you don't need to hide in the background and put up with crap. (This is kinda weird) but as she was carrying around that woman's panties,(I know it's only a movie), but don't you think she'd be kind of grossed out carrying around another woman's dirty, but it was a great movie, and definately worth it, especially since I don't know if I'll ever be lucky enough to see "Gypsy"..

I'm just a Broadway Baby learnin how to sing and dance....

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New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few
Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 4/30/2003 at 11:13:48 AM ET
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Those were my thoughts throughout the film as well! That Suzie woman was gross!

At first I thought, well maybe Alex and Rebecca don't get along, and that's why he's cheating on her; but then they cut to the scene of them dancing and laughing in the kitchen...they were having a great time at their anniversary doesn't make sense!

My only logical explination is that they wanted to make Bernadette look that much more beautiful, so they got an ugly girl to pay the mistress? Either that, or that woman slept with the director.


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