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Topic: OT: New Barbra Fan Site

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Registered User


New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few
Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 10/1/2002 at 1:44:15 PM ET
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I'm just doing a favor for someone.
For anyone who is a Barbra Streisand fan, there is a new fan site (it just started today...October 1, 2002).
It's not mine, but it's really nice. Here's the address if anyone is interested:

If you can't click on it, you can type it in. Enjoy!


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New Jersey
posted: 10/1/2002 at 7:40:17 PM ET
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thanks so much! that is a very good site, i was looking for good barbra sites, and now i found one! thanks again!

<3 ya lots,

Registered User


New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few
Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 10/1/2002 at 10:47:19 PM ET
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LOL I knew you would appreciate it Christa; you've mentioned before, what a fan you are of Barbra's.


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posted: 10/2/2002 at 5:57:36 PM ET
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Speaking of Barbra Striesand...

I read this from

CORRECTED: Barbra Streisand, 60, has been jabbed by noted Shakespearean scholar Matt Drudge, who pointed out in his cyber gossip column that her attribution of a quote to the Bard at a Democratic fundraiser concert last Sunday in Los Angeles didn't come from Shakespeare at all. (The star was editorializing to the crowd against some Republican policies. The quote: "Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.") Replied the funny girl in a good-humored statement: "It was just called to my attention, but it doesn't detract from the fact that it is powerful and true and beautifully written. Whoever wrote it is damn talented. I hope he's writing his own play."

If you want the link to the page, here:,10958,357103,00.html

Take care,

Registered User


New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few
Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 10/3/2002 at 12:01:40 AM ET
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LOL yeah, I read about that too (looks like Bernadette isn't the only one who flubbs things...even though Bernadette flubbs things on purpose LOL).
I have a feeling that someone told Barbra it was Shakespeare who wrote it, and she credited him after she recited the quote; because (clearly) she didn't mess up the line, she was just missinformed as to who said it first.
The Republicans are just looking for any excuse to bully Barbra and the Democrats! It's typical...they prefer to insult the Democrats as much as possible, rather than dealing with their own issues at hand.
I'm not choosing sides, I just can't stand the way politics has turned into an insult game, rather than an issues debate.


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posted: 10/3/2002 at 10:59:03 AM ET
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Interestingly, I belong to an internet group that discusses international affairs and about two weeks ago someone posted that quotation in reference to Bush's policies, crediting it to Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. The poster was a very well-educated, knowledgable British woman who lives in South Asia. She said a friend had passed it along to her after seeing it on another site. So apparently this is one of those "hoax" quotations that is spreading through the internet. Sorry to say but no one in my group caught the mistake-it seemed plausible enough. So Streisand shouldn't feel too bad about it.

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