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Topic: random, but funny

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AuthorTopic:   random, but funny
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posted: 9/21/2002 at 8:29:30 PM ET
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This is sorta funny, but a few weeks ago I decided to always put sunblock on when I go outside so that I will have beautiful skin like Bernadette when I am her age. But today, I had marching band practice and I forgot to put sunblock on! While I was standing outside all day, I got a horrible sunburn. Later I looked in the mirror and thought, "Bernadette would be so dissapointed in me right now." lol, I wasn't completely serious. Does anyone else have a weird habit related to Bernadette?

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Long Island, New York & Boston,
posted: 9/21/2002 at 9:52:24 PM ET
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You have no idea! I do the same thing with the sunblock. All my friends think I'm weird. But, when I come back for a highschool reunion and I still look 10 years younger than anyone else they will know we were right. I don't really know any other of her habits. I try to eat well and excersise. But that's about it.

Some people change your life forever. Thank you, *Bernadette*

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South Jersey

Fav. BP CD: Sondheim, Etc.
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posted: 9/21/2002 at 9:52:28 PM ET
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Marching band? What instrument? I used to play the sax for a pops orchestra. I did the marching band thing too, but I didn't like marching Of course that's a problem in a marching band hehe.

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New York City

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posted: 9/21/2002 at 11:49:38 PM ET
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LOL well, I've been known to carry an umbrella when it's too sunny...I've heard that Bernadette uses a parosol in Miami. I don't do it because she does though (I don't live my life by copying others'); I do it because I have very light skin (whiter than Bernadette's at times) and last summer I got sun poisoning. For one thing I don't want wrinkles, and secondly, I don't want skin cancer! I don't get tan anyway (I burn), so it doesn't even look nice after I'm out in the sun.



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posted: 9/22/2002 at 6:11:13 AM ET
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I have very pale skin because my mum is irish(its a celtic thing i've heard) and my dad was a red head so I never really stood a chance! I look even paler because I have very dark brown hair, almost black so at times I look almost ghostly white. I love bernadette's skin though because she doesn't seem to have any moles or freckles or any kind of blemish on her skin at all! lovely and clear. I do have habits linked with bernadette; I come on this message board at least once a day and I watch her on a video at least once a week or on a cd. My singing teacher said that I was starting to sound like her and she wanted me to stop copying her but the thing is I wasn't doing it consciously, I'd just been listening to her too much! well, i've seen a quote from bernadette that said "You gotta be original, because if you're like someone else, what do they need you for?"

they say bernadette's wonderful..........and she is
xx Jenny xx


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posted: 9/22/2002 at 8:28:04 AM ET
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i have pretty pale skin too...and I don't tan, i just burn...all my friends make fun of me because they lay out in the sun and get tan and i hate being in the sun and getting burnt, but in 20 years they'll look like prunes and I won't!! so there!!
but hmmm...habits? just coming here...
but speaking of bernadette and the sun, i remember when my friend and i watched her on regis and kelly when she said that, and I happen to have a parasol...from my friend likes to come over my house and prance around holding my parasol...but anyway...

*Meowz* <3 Kate

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posted: 9/22/2002 at 10:05:56 AM ET
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LOL...I'm Asian and I'm more light skinned than any Asian person I know!! Seriously!-(but my mom is more pale-ish than I am LOL)LOL...when I was younger, I would always long to play outside but my mom didn't want me to for fear of getting skin cancer/tan.....
So yeah, my cousins always make fun of me cuz I'm so pale...I asked some of my friends--"when u first met me, did u think I was asian?" and their responses would be, "uh, no not really"--I mean, that's how light skinned I am!! But actually I'm glad my mom didn't let me play out in the sun, cuz I get good compliments from my friends/others about my skin LOL....LOL Ok I'll stop.....

As far as Bernadette-habits--none except going to this board almost religiously LOL...

Take care,

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posted: 9/22/2002 at 10:07:27 AM ET
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Hey Kevin. I play the mellophone in my marching band. I actually just swiched from the flute to the mellophone. I don't love to march, but it is a High School band and if I want to play I have to march. We are going to New York this year to play in the St. Patrick's Day parade. I am so excited! I have never been in a major parade like that before.


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posted: 9/22/2002 at 10:34:20 AM ET
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are you irish too kevin? because you do have a shamrock as your picture or are you just a lucky guy?

they say bernadette's wonderful..........and she is
xx Jenny xx

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South Jersey

Fav. BP CD: Sondheim, Etc.
Fav. BP Song: No One Is Alone

posted: 9/22/2002 at 11:37:06 AM ET
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Lucky? Hardly hehe. I'm partially Irish from my mom's side of the family. I like the Celtic mythology... and typically wear a claddagh.

Re: Marching band.. My highschool was like that.. that's why I marched. But then there was this thing about me calling the band director WolfMan in front of the whole band.. everyone laughing.. and his ego getting a *bit* damaged. Things didn't work out

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posted: 9/22/2002 at 12:31:33 PM ET
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kevin, do you know what happened to the beguiling bernadette peters gallery, it doesn't load anymore? whats happened?

they say bernadette's wonderful..........and she is
xx Jenny xx

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South Jersey

Fav. BP CD: Sondheim, Etc.
Fav. BP Song: No One Is Alone

posted: 9/22/2002 at 1:26:39 PM ET
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No idea. It disappeared a few months ago without a trace, it seems.

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New Jersey
posted: 9/22/2002 at 2:21:14 PM ET
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i am part italian, so im kinda in the middle (not too dark, but not pale as a ghost either). most times, i forget to wear sunscreen (but i get a really nice sunburn that will eventually turn into a tan)

re:mellophone- what the heck is that? i play the flute, so im interested!

<3 ya lots,

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posted: 9/22/2002 at 2:40:32 PM ET
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The mellophone is a marching version of the french horn. It sorta looks like an oversized trumpet. Don't worry, not many people know what the mellophone is.

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New Jersey
posted: 9/22/2002 at 4:29:43 PM ET
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o, i think i know what that is. does it look like a baritone horn but it's bigger (or smaller)?

<3 ya lots,

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posted: 9/22/2002 at 5:01:56 PM ET
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Yes, the mellophone is actually smaller than the baritone. Although, the bell is a little wider.

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