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Topic: Nice Bernadette stories at ATC

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northern VA
posted: 2/5/2004 at 9:24:52 PM ET
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Just a heads up-there are some lovely posts over at ATC...(Bernadette stage door post)

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posted: 2/5/2004 at 10:18:20 PM ET
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I read that earlier today. But Bernadette having eye contact with an audience member during the show and afterwards the person said "It seemed like you were singing to me" and she said "I was.."

oh how she is the greatest

"The child is so sweet and the girls are so rapturous. Isn't it lovely how artist's can capture us?"

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posted: 2/5/2004 at 10:28:05 PM ET
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Those stories are so sweet.

You either got it, or you aint!

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posted: 2/6/2004 at 9:22:07 AM ET
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Wow, those are so nice;thanks for linking. What an inspiration that lady is!

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posted: 2/6/2004 at 10:27:05 AM ET
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Nice stories--I was at first very nervous about reading them, thinking that there was going to be some of the usual Bernadette-bashing.

They answered a question I've had-which is can the performer see us in the audience; or, more properly, do we register with them. (Hmm, no nodding off in the front row.)

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New York

Fav. BP CD: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
Fav. BP Song: Dublin Lady

posted: 2/6/2004 at 11:33:04 AM ET
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My own story that I'll just share here. It's not really a "Bernadette is so sweet story" because well, let's face it, we already knew that but it is (in my opinion) a cute Bernadette and Michael story.

I worked the Nothing Like A Dame event back in 2002 when Bernadette performed. Bernadette was the last performer of the evening and immediately before her song they had four women, each representing the various emergency services of NYC (NYPD, NYFD, EMS and something else), come to receive an honor. Remember this was just a few months after 9/11. Anyway, during the show I was, at a particular time, supposed to retrieve these women from the audience and bring them backstage. So I led them to offstage right and I see Bernadette sitting on a high stool waiting her turn to go on. She had on that one shoulder maroon sequined dress but was wearing a cardigan sweater over it - I'm assuming just to stay warm. Patty was standing beside her and Michael was waiting in the nearby hallway. There was actually a chair beside Bernadette and I was pretty much standing in the way so I slide into the chair to watch the stage - and well enjoyed the fact that I could say I was sitting next to Bernadette.

When Bernadette went to perform her song, Nothin Like A Dame, there were a ton of people in the wings getting ready to go on for the curtain call immediately following her number. Trying to stay out of the way, I just stayed in my chair which was up against the wall. Michael had moved to the stool where Bernadette had been sitting. The wings were packed and everyone was trying to watch Bernadette but I was particularly charmed by watching Michael watching Bernadette. He was just absolutely beaming. He was struggling to see over all the heads but clearly wanted to watch her every moment on stage. I'm sure he had seen her perform the song a few dozen times but clearly was just a big a fan as we all are. He was just really so cute.

And on another tangent (can you tell it is Friday and I really don't want to work)- During the rehearsal that day it was my job to greet the talent in the theater lobby, get their credentials for them, bring them into the theater and let the Production Manager know they were there. Bernadette was the last person to rehearse late in the day. So once she arrived I was pretty much done with my work. So I went into the theater to watch the rehearsal. They weren't quite ready for her so she sat with Patty in the back. Marvin arrived shortly thereafter and then Cubby O'Brien (her drummer) and his wife. I was sitting a row or two in front of them watching the stage. I ended up overhearing their conversations (really wasn't trying to eavesdrop). REALLY! I won't repeat anything I heard because it obviously was a private conversation but let me just say that not only are these 5 people very good friends but Bernadette is really quite funny. She was just making these little jokes throughout the conversation that had them all laughing. Very much the spontaneous humor we see when she co-hosts Regis.

So there is the first chapter of my novel. LOL Thanks for letting me share.

I also had some really nice moments with Tony Randall, Chita Rivera, Bebe Neuwirth, Kathleen Turner and Phyllis Newman. I really cherish my experience working on that event - for many reasons.

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New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few
Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 2/6/2004 at 11:37:11 AM ET
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I was always under the impression that Bernadette sort of slipped into her character's world during performances (which she does to a degree), and does not take notice of who's in the audience...until I saw her after the show the other night and she said, "Hey! I saw you in the front row." lol oops.
Then again, she might have only realized that during the curtain call or during the standing ovation after Rose's Turn.

It's sweet when people think that an actor is purposely picking them to sing to, when in reality that person just happens to be sitting in the same seat where that performer speaks every night.
Although, someone I know was in a show (she was one of the leads) and every night she would have to deliver certain lines directly to people in the audience; and one night after the show she had said to me, "Did you see. I made you my person in the audience." So who knows, I guess as long as they stay within a certain area they can pick whichever person they want.


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posted: 2/6/2004 at 11:40:13 AM ET
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Moljul! That sounds awsome. You are very lucky to be able to experience that!

I don't have any classes today, and I should be doing homework, but I too and totally procrastinating (is that even how you spell that??)

P.S. Is that volunteer work or is it your job?? I would love to volunteer for something like that!

You either got it, or you aint!

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New York

Fav. BP CD: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
Fav. BP Song: Dublin Lady

posted: 2/6/2004 at 11:50:06 AM ET
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Kind of a combination. It was a volunteer position but having something to do with my work but more volunteer than work. I did it for fun and the professional experience.

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posted: 2/6/2004 at 11:51:34 AM ET
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See......I'm not going to get any work done today!

Christine: when I was little I performed in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat with Donny Osmond, while it was in Toronto. I don't know if any of you have seen the show but Johnny Seaton played the pharaoh, and his character is based on Elvis (the king of rock - the king of Egypt). Every night he had to pick a woman to sing to in the front row and he had to kind of seduce her and wipe his body with a scarf thing and then throw it at was hysterical. The women would go crazy during that part and the cast always laughed! Anyway, Johnny Seaton would scout out who he was going to pick every night, and he always pick someone who he knew was going to be embarrased! That was his sense of humor! But it was great to see him at work. It makes it funnier when the person si completely unaware of what is about to happen. What it came time for that part in the show he would look into the audience and say something witty and then you would see all the women trying not to catch his eye. Those were definately the woman who would get picked!

Anyway, I just remembered that and now I'm having a Joseph moment!!! My point is that it's fun for a performer to have that power on stage to interact with an audience member!!!

You either got it, or you aint!

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