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 | George and his favorite Mama! |
It's hard for a dog like me to put into words what I am feeling right now. I felt so sad that GYPSY was closing, but I was very excited to see Bernadette again.
We arrived early for the show and as soon as some people got a glance of me they came over to chat for a while. We had very good seats inside the theatre & more of my fans waved to get my attention. Marvin did an outstanding job once again with the overture; and then it was time for the show to begin!!
As soon as everyone heard Bernadette's voice, a thunderous applause broke out. She couldn't say any of her lines because of the ongoing ovation that she was receiving. The show proceeded to the highlight of the day's performance -- "Rose's Turn". People began to clap in the beginning, but then silence took over; you could have heard a pin drop. Near the end of "Everything's coming up roses" Bernadette received a standing ovation & the place went crazy. Cameras were flashing (including mine) and she had to stop performing again till the applause quieted.
Curtain Call was quite emotional. Bernadette received dozens of flowers and then spoke a few words thanking her cast, assistants and also Stephen Sondheim (who was there). She accepted the accolades with grace and proved once again what a true star she is.
We didn't have to wait long outside by the Stage Door Entrance for things to start happening. Marvin was one of the first people out. He graciously agreed to pose with me, along with John & Kate. Marvin tickled my foot and Kate hugged me real close!!! But, I couldn't wait for Bernadette to hold me again. Kevin joined in one picture with us, but before I could straighten out my bow tie I was in Bernadette's arms.
I'm not sure when I will see Bernadette again, but I have so many wonderful memories of GYPSY, the CD signing, this web site, all of her truly awesome fans and of a performer that is loved & gives love every time she sings.
Dewey Doo-it Signing...