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Forum Rules
The message boards here were created to allow fans to talk with each other and have fun. The following guidelines try to help the forums reach these goals. Attack opinions, not people. It's a big world and there are likely to be differing opinions. That's great, just don't make it personal. Any harrassing messages in any context are prohibited. You'll likely find the offending messages simply disappear. All changes to messages are recorded in a system log along with the IP address of the computer making the change and the authenticated user's name. Posts which are deleted are also archived in the log. The log is available to forum moderators. The webmaster and various forum moderators are CC'd on each new message posted. Using the message boards for any financial gain is strictly prohibited. Any pictures used for an avatar, uploaded for a message attachment, used in a message signature or any other use that essentially allows public viewing of the image on this site is to be of an appropriate nature. This includes but is not limited to the use of pornographic, disturbing or violent images. Language is to be kept in check. Occasionally profanity might be tolerated in a comical context, but should be used sparingly. The boards are intended to be a friendly discussion area that can have an appeal to a wide range of visitors. Please keep the conversations PG rated or better. We encourage the use of authenticated posts (ie. using your username and password). When everyone posts anonymously it becomes difficult to follow conversations and can allow for impersonation. The webmaster ultimately decides what does and does not break these guidelines and his opinion is final. Issues that question the validity of decisions should be discussed either through private messages or email and not in the public forums. All these rules also apply to interpersonal communication on the site, such as the personal message feature. Have fun! The message boards are what you make them.
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Kevin Lux
. Our
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