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Topic: Wicked-My Thoughts (OT)

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posted: 10/20/2003 at 11:19:51 AM ET
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Wicked is fun, charming, a little dark, and over-the-top(no spoilers here):

the good: first and foremost, the spectacular performances of Kristin C. and Idina M., with the apt assistance of the cast; georgeous and appropiately outlandish costumes (including shoes!), a very complicated and many-layered set that really gives the atmosphere of being in OZ; noticeably helpful lighting, and some of the staging (which I don’t want to give away but watch out for the monkeys);

the not so good: serviceable songs, which explain character, motivation, emotions, etc well, but really don’t “pop”; the music does have a nice pop-rock-up-to-date feel to it; choreography which seems a little too generic (move them down front all at once and glare at the audience, reminded me of Les Miz);

the wish: give Joel Grey better staging for his big number–the song is there, the orchestration sounds right, he almost breaks out but it’s just in stops and starts right now;

the best: a very nice, simple story which involves loyalty and friendship–and being true to yourself ( a little too uncomplicated for me, but then Sweeny Todd is one of my favorites).

I smell Tonys all over the place and I highly recommend it.

All my opinion only, based on Sunday's PREVIEW-take with a large grain of salt and call me after it opens.

(And, as usual, sightings: Daniel Sunjata Take Me Out)buying lunch (?)at the Food Emporium and discussing the per-pound price of the salad bar-with two of us at the cashier; Dick Latessa hurriedly walking up Broadway in the direction of his job(Hairspray).)


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Bradenton/Sarasota, FLA
posted: 10/20/2003 at 12:38:55 PM ET
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Oh, lordy, don't tell me the flying monkeys fly over the audience!! Shades of childhood horrors. The wicked witch in the movie didn't scare me half as much as those damn monkeys!! Yikes!!

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New York

Fav. BP CD: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
Fav. BP Song: Dublin Lady

posted: 10/20/2003 at 12:51:27 PM ET
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I'm with you Annie. Of course I've never been able to get over the scary snowman who cornered Rudolph either.

Ah, the scars of childhood!

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northern VA
posted: 10/20/2003 at 1:36:53 PM ET
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Did you get a chance to read the novel before you saw the show? I understand that the musical mainly focuses on the relationship between Elphaba and Galinda and less social commentary than the book contains (racism,etc). It's a long book,so there would be no way to include everything in the novel.

I had heard that the score was serviceable. I'm not surprised that it's pop oriented,since that is not unusual for Schwartz. I love The Baker's Wife,and I really want to buy the Working DVD. He seems like a really nice and sincere guy-the sort of person you wouldn't feel afraid or timid to approach-plus,he's not bad looking.:-) He has had an interesting career,nevertheless. It's wonderful that he's written a new show,because he had seriously considered leaving theater for good and studying psychology/psychotherapy.

But it seems like a cool show,the casting is terrific,and I've already told those who need to know that I would like the CD to be a Christmas gift (along with those Sondheim DVDs! If I get nothing else but the DVDs and the Wicked CD,I would be very content.)

Thank you for posting your review. I've read several online reviews from different boards,but it's nice to get a review from someone I know doesn't have a particular ax to grind. :-) And yes,there are 11 days until the opening.

So-how many days until Bounce? I'm anticipating and dreading the numerous reviews and opinions that will come out. Some people really want Sondheim to fail-jealousy,I imagine.


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posted: 10/20/2003 at 8:18:13 PM ET
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No, I hadn't read the book, and doubt that I will. You're right about the focus of the story, but the themes of acceptance and corruption are there. Not quite sure what you'd call not letting the animals talk-some kind of metaphor for silencing those whose views we don't agree with? OK-now I'm over-analyzing.

I hadn't heard any of Schwartz' work before. Nice to hear someone new (to me), even if I wasn't entirely won over by the music.

I just read the very lively discussion at ATC about Wicked-maybe I'm just too cynical, but I can't see how people are going on about this--to me, it was a pleasant afternoon's entertainment, soon probably to be stored away somewhere way in the back of my brain.

Now--Sondheim-that's another matter! I'll see Bounce on Nov.15 and will jot down my thoughts.


[Of note- a few familiar names in Wicked, to get this back to Bernadette. Sean McCourt is Elphaba's (wicked witch) father, and some other roles-he wrote the score for "Let it Snow"; Andrew Palermo, ensemble and understudy for the eventual Tin Man--he was Tommy Keeler in AGYG, and Lorna Ventura, swing, choreographer for "It Runs in the Family" (did that picture need a choreographer?]

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posted: 10/20/2003 at 10:47:37 PM ET
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"It Runs in the Family" (did that picture need a choreographer?]

Maybe for that soup kitchen scene in the beginning with Michael Douglas and the lady he was trying to . . .j/k Well we can look for the choreography tomorrow when the movie hits the video stores.

I had high hopes for Wicked. Pippin was one of the cast recordings I played a lot when I was younger and I love many of the songs in the Baker's Wife, but I was really disappointed with Schwartz's score and felt much as you did Jean. I also thought that the story would be weightier. The love story played, for me anyway, like one of those Freddie Prinz, Jr. movies with Chenoweth playing a Clueless/Legally Blonde type character.


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northern VA
posted: 10/21/2003 at 12:44:46 AM ET
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Moving the discussion to the Theater board, as asked...


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