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Topic: I went-Isaw--I'm home!

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AuthorTopic:   I went-Isaw--I'm home!
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posted: 7/21/2003 at 12:18:37 AM ET
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It has been a week since I'm home after a glorious four days in NYC!Bernadette's performance Fri.nite was so beautifully moving!She certainly won a Tony in my heart!And I want to see it again,as I was too excited to take in everything.Broadway Barks was great fun and so admired all the stars who gave generously of their time.Bernadette was so natural and connected so well with the audience- what a sweetie she is! Oh, I did get her autograph after the show and was able to whisper a few special words to her.It took me a whole week to fully absorb the whole experience!I didn't see anyone from this board at Barks, and there were so many people, I felt I just couldn't shout out my name in the crowd! But, we were all there in spirit with Beernadette and that's what counted.I want to go back to see "Gypsy" again before Bernadette leaves the show! Miracles sometimes do happen--Thinking of Bernadette and Michael tomorrow with love and prayers.By the way, how did they meet? Thanks again NYC for a wonderful time!!

To the loveliest lady of song!
You will keep on giving me joy forever...

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Long Island, New York & Boston,
posted: 7/21/2003 at 12:47:27 PM ET
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It's so great to hear that you had a wonderful time! There's actually a very cute story behind how Bernadette and Michael met. She was standing outside waiting for a date that was late. Michael comes walking along (in a tux), stops, and says "Are you ready to go?". For a minute, Bernadette thought that she was supposed to go with him but then realized this was a perfect stranger she was talking to. They talked for a while until the button on Michael's tux came off. Bernadette offered to sew it back on sort of as a joke, but Michael asked her if she would really do it. He ran over across the street to a tailor shop and bought a needle and thread. Bernadette then stood there sewing his button back on. Eventually, Michael and Bernadette went their separate ways because they both had something to do that night. But later, when Bernadette returned home, Michael had left a little card in the shape of a tuxedo with the doorman. The card contained the same button and read something like "My button fell off, would you sew it back on again?" They didn't start dating right then because she was in a relationship, but two and 1/2 years later they met again in the neighborhood and hit it off. (This story was told on Regis & Kathie Lee, The View, and in some articles)

~* Megan *~

BP Broadway Diva
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Fav. BP Song: Rose's Turn
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Rose
Fav. BP CD: Sondheim Etc

posted: 7/21/2003 at 1:01:27 PM ET
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That is a very cute story! I didn't realize they met like that! Thanks for posting that Megan.


"Here she is Boys...Here she is World...Here's Rose!!!"

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New Jersey
posted: 7/21/2003 at 1:31:22 PM ET
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Speaking of cute, did everyone see that picture of Bernadette and Michael from their wedding? It's so cute, Bernadette looks absolutely stunning in that picture!

BTW, I'm happy that you had a good time seeing "Gypsy", Patty!


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