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Author | Topic: Bernadette part of 70s cult? |
Jenny_loves_ bernadette Registered User
Registered: 6/6/2002
From: London | posted: 5/16/2003 at 5:18:42 PM ET Another article from my clippings collection from "In the Spotlight"......
They say hundreds of people in the arts were attracted to the Oric Bovar cult which flourish-secretly-east and west, until a bizarre incident blew the lid off things. Oric-one time actor, mailorder astrologist and opera coach - and some followers had spent two monthes trying to "raise"a dead man in a New York City apartment!
Will Geer of The Waltons remembers the actor (Richard Deane) from Broadway, says "Theres nothing evil about him," notes there are many cults on the WestCoast headed by former actors: "I think it comes naturally with the frustration of not making leading man." Bernadette Peters if TV's All's Fair", was one of his followers, who reportedly took Carol Burnett to two of his seminars in the Los Angeles home of Miss Peters' manager. A spokesman for both actresses said they knew him but had broken off contact with him. "I wonder if these celebrities have any idea how often he used their names as well as personal stories about them to entice the unknown actor or actress into believing he could guide them also to fame and fortune," says New York actress Gwendolyn Brown, a former follower. Oric preached no meat, no alcohol, no smoking, no drugs. And then he went one step further. But though Oric Bovar had been claiming for the past year to be Jesus Christ, it wasn't until his rites to raise the dead that many - including Miss Peters- bolted. That was just a bit too kinky.
I think I speak for everyone when I say...what the..?!!!
they say bernadette's wonderful..........and she is
xx Jenny xx
| jeanmd Registered User
Registered: 6/4/2001 | posted: 5/16/2003 at 5:41:22 PM ET Ahh..the 70's; a very interesting time. So glad I don't have to live through them again!
Jenny: I'll bet everyone was into something or other back then-I actually knew someone who very strongly believed in EST! And also someone who dragged me to a TM meeting! (Look this stuff up in Google, if you're interested. ) My point (and I do have one) is that it was just that time when a lot of "stuff" was circulating... Not to worry.
| Bwaybaby Registered User
Registered: 3/10/2001 | posted: 5/16/2003 at 7:34:31 PM ET I agree with Jean. What's past is past.Plus, we all know how the press likes to fabricate and exaggerate things. True or not, it doesn't and hasn't affected the amazing performer that she is!
In my personal opinion I think that is something extremely personal and not really anyone's business other than Bernadette's
| Krasm Registered User
Registered: 3/29/2003
From: Brooklyn | posted: 5/16/2003 at 8:28:06 PM ET Our past is what makes us the people we are. So even if it is true it's no big deal because it helped Bernadette to become the fantastic person she is.
| Jenny_loves_ bernadette Registered User
Registered: 6/6/2002
From: London | posted: 5/17/2003 at 5:16:00 AM ET Oh, I don't mind what she got up to! I just thought the whole thing was incredibly weird and I was hoping someone would explain. It looks like this story came from a tabaloid and so I'm taking everything they say with a pince of salt.
they say bernadette's wonderful..........and she is
xx Jenny xx
| BroadwayBabyGal Registered User
Registered: 5/8/2003 | posted: 5/17/2003 at 4:51:33 PM ET TM is not a cult, Jean.
| Jenny_loves_ bernadette Registered User
Registered: 6/6/2002
From: London | posted: 5/17/2003 at 5:24:01 PM ET what is TM? trademark?
they say bernadette's wonderful..........and she is
xx Jenny xx
| Bumper1788 Registered User
Registered: 4/28/2003 | posted: 5/17/2003 at 6:09:46 PM ET TM is Transcendental Meditation which was big in the '70s. I remember well the news stories about Oric Bovar and the hubbub when the police did break into an apartment and find him and some followers trying to raise someone who'd passed away by praying over him for a few months. I think the Daily News even had a photo of the event, perhaps taken by one of the people taking part in the whole thing. As I recall, there weren't celebrities involved (But what does it matter whether any celebrities' names were linked him?) It was a weird event, but it WAS the '70s (a great time to live through, incidentally). We've all had experiences that all make us who we are. Bernadette was fantastic in the '70s, and has only gotten better with time!)
| Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 68.32.131.x | posted: 5/17/2003 at 10:49:24 PM ET To BroadwayBabyGal:
I didn't mean to imply that TM was a "cult"--just trying to give a bit of the flavor of the 70's. No offense to anyone, I hope!
| BroadwayBabyGal Registered User
Registered: 5/8/2003 | posted: 5/18/2003 at 12:01:28 AM ET That's okay. It's just that I practice TM and I guess I'm overly sensitive people's misconceptions of it.
| Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 50.160.122.x | posted: 11/23/2014 at 5:48:21 AM ET As a child I grew up in this cult. My parents called it "The Work". It ruined my life! Glad Miss Peters got out...
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