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 Up to New York...
I'm humoring George by showing his picture again...
I'm humoring George by showing his picture again...

I'm getting just a *tad* jealous of George getting to tell all the stories around here, so I thought I'd give mine (that would be me, Kevin). I put his picture up there so he thinks it's about him .

After taking the bus into the Port Authority I went over to the Virgin Megastore to pick up the CD. They had a *ton* of copies all over.

One thing I wanted to do on this trip to New York was to see the World Trade Center remains, so took the 1 train to Chambers Street. It's really something hard to describe. You get out of the subway stop and look up the street.. and it's just kind of empty. I don't want to turn this in to a rant or upsetting story for anyone, so suffice it to say you need to see it for yourself.

I took the subway back to Times Square and caught a meal at the Pig 'n Whistle, a small Irish pub on 48th (I think? I can't remember).

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