Timeline (Journal Mode)

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Michael and Bernadette

Broadway Barks 8!

Mary and Bernadette

Sep 26, 2005


Michael Wittenberg passed away in a helicopter accident in the country of Montenegro. Bernadette and Michael were married on July 20, 1996.


Jun 5, 2006

CFDA Awards

Bernadette attended the Council of Fashion Designers of America awards in New York, as the guest of Stan Herman, out-going President of the CFDA. She has attended this event several times in the past few years.

Bernadette presented Mr. Herman with an award, and seranaded the crowd with her rendition of "Fever" on the piano.

photos and commentary

Jul 8, 2006

Broadway Barks 8!

The 8th annual animal adoption and fundraising event took place in Shubert Alley. Bernadette again co-hosted with fellow co-founder Mary Tyler Moore.

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