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Melinda's Board: Re: An Apology of Sorts

Date: 03/12/03 05:28:15 PM
Name: Anonymous
Subject: Re: An Apology of Sorts

Sorry if I seemed snippy. It's just that one of the things I truly admire about Bernadette is that she is not a prima donna or snob when so many other performers who have achieved her success are. I appreciate and admire that she still does work for the works sake and not what it will do for her image. And I guess I wanted to protect that aspect of her. Also I think Off-Broadway gets a bad rap as not being as professional as Broadway and that simply is not true. It really has more to do with the size of the show, the size theater it requires, sometimes the nature of the show and its audience. I truly don't think she would have any problems doing an off-Broadway show if the script were good and challenging. And I think her involvement with the very low budget, very independently produced Let It Snow is a good example. Of course, that is film, not theater.

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Replying to:

I wanted to start a new mesage to make sure that my intent was clear and not lost under a misleading thread; so, here it is:

"Sorry, I never meant to imply that Ms. Peters is anything but the consummate professional, and, although I don't know her, she doesn't appear to be either an egomaniac or a snob. However, the realities of a "BIG" career could easily get in the way of her working in a small off-Broadway venture. (I guess there's quite a difference in her life between the 1982 appearance at MTC and today.)

Ah well, perhaps I'm the snob. Some other time...

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