Bernadette Peters Broadway's Best Home Page

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 Backstage with Bernadette
That's Bernadette... and she's holding me! (Did the hair give it away??)
That's Bernadette... and she's holding me! (Did the hair give it away??)

Bernadette sang a whole bunch of songs. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She looked at me several times during the concert and I did my best to be a good puppy. After the show we went back stage to catch an extra glimpse of Bernadette. She was busy talking with a group of people when she spotted us standing there. Bernadette came over and said "Can I have my toy now?" I'm not a toy -- I'm a dog! The next thing I know I'm being handed over to Miss Peters. Wow, I'm going home with Bernadette!!!

Going once.. going twice.. sold! >>


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